AUGUST! me and Singapore Birthday!!! cheers!
hmm... my BB was unforgetable... hahaha!!!
... NDP was the best one l ever watched!!! more good years!!!
a year older then last year... but guess l am still young @ heart and will be!
simply like what l am doing now... everyday was fun-filled... being with the children really brightens up my day... rather LIFE! *(^_^)*
PTC was a successful one... the joy from parents face and please to see their child progress! ( thanks to ME... gek gek gek... Queen Ling the mighty & holy one )
well, the movie marker was a successful one... hehehe...
Monday my last presentation for Creative Arts for Young Children... cheers!
Reflection Journal- all done!
special thanks to my AW...
wanted to let you know how much your friendship means to me.
Your thoughtfulness always makes my days a little brighter
problems seem a lot smaller. LOVE YA *(^_^)*
l've compiled a total of 65 pages for my journal...
rather confident that l will score A for this module... gek gek gek
... today isn't just another day, today l'll create something beautiful...