Monday, 29 December 2008

Sakura International Buffet Restaurant

well, went SAKURA for lunch @ Downtown East
12pm - 2: 30 pm SGD $20+
comment- worth the money!!!

Sunday, 28 December 2008

the daily motivator


What a blessing it is on this Christmas Day,
and every day, to be able to give.
For it is through giving that life's greatest joys are created.
Sincerely give of yourself today,
with no agenda other than to celebrate the pure spirit of giving.
And truly experience life in all its richness.
When you give, you open your heart to life and
allow great measures of abundance to come pouring in.
What could possibly bring more meaning and
fulfillment to life than making a difference in the lives of others?
Giving is more than merely offering objects.
When you give, give your time, your attention,
your love, compassion, consideration, patience and respect.
Give a part of yourself, and you will not ever lose it.
That part of you takes on greater influence and
value as it touches other lives beyond your own.
On this day, simply give because you can.
And know the unmatched joy that giving brings to life.

-- Ralph Marston



really deep cut!!!

hmm... as you can see the cut is about 1cm
but the wound is really deep!
l guess its about like 1.2cm or might be 1.5 cm... oh man!
as somehow the pen knife blade was facing upwards!
好疼哦!!! 疼死我了!!! 疼疼疼!!!

Saturday, 27 December 2008

my feet...

the pen knife dropped on the floor... :(
damn it! l stepped on it... oh man!!! it hurts!!!
see the blood soaked thru the gauze... my blood... pain pain pain!!!
poor me!!!

maket & food centre

took this picture from my place... see this plot of land...
well, by 2010 there will be a market and food centre... yeh!

牛肉干 from Shanghai... yummy!!!

this particular brand is from Shanghai tastes really really good!!!

lamb chop curry

helen cooked for me lamb chop curry... very delicious... thanks ya!

Thursday, 25 December 2008

rigby literacy training

well, went for training session the other day...
there's so much to learn about GUIDED READING for pre-schoolers!
Guided Reading is where the learners are guided by the teachers
to discover the meaning of text for themselves...
so start reading with your little ones!!!


well, when l was a in my teens... l used to cycle here...
lots of changes and it was nice!
this is the floating platform...
great view!


prepare by janice and thomas...

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

small little gifts for my friends...

well, can you see all my wrappers all with piggies print?
l am a pig maniac that was way back... hehehe...

Sunday, 21 December 2008

yummy sunshine toast

sunshine egg & ham toast SGD$1.20 yummy

who me? long-sightedness...


Hyperopia is a sight problem that affects
your ability to see close-up objects.
Commonly known as long-sightedness,
the condition is a type of focusing error and
tends to get worse as you get older.
Sight problems are very common,
and many people are either long or short-sighted.
The percentage of people with hyperopia
increases with age.
A study has shown that 13.2% of people who are
between 20 and 25 years of age have hyperopia.
This increases to 17.4% for people who are
between 40 and 45 years of age.
Many children are born with mild hyperopia,
which normally resolves itself as
they grow older and their eyes develop.
It is thought that some cases of hyperopia
may be inherited (run in families).

A gene has been identified that causes a very
rare form of extreme hyperopia.
However, further research is needed into
the possible genetic causes of the more
common types of hyperopia.
Hyperopia can be easily corrected with glasses,
contact lenses or corrective surgery.
Laser surgery is an increasingly popular option,
but is not suitable for everyone.


vegetarian tomyum fish
vegetarian 焖mushroom
vegetarian tofu with... no idea hahaha...
stir fried broccoli, cauli- flower, baby maize and carrots
all above, cooked by my mom... hmm... yummy!
well, 冬至要拜神明祖先哦。。。记得哦!
offering 汤圆 for Buddha... my ma is a Buddhist...

damn it! must be the fried shallots!

the theory... never eat *ready made* fried shallots... results-
really bad sore throat and it really hurts!
damn it! they must have uses the oil repeatedly
well, only home made fried shallots ok!

for children only... keep them fun-filled!
these are a few interesting website intro. by me nephew...
check it out!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

long break... hehehe...

hehehe... finally no more assignment, presentation, classes... quiz!!!
well, having course break from now till next year 11 Jan 2009

module for next year will be
Language Arts In The Early Childhood Years
12 jan 2009 - 2 mar 2009
Infant & Toddler Behaviour Development
9 mar 2009 - 20 apr 2009


well, starting from next year guess l will be busy with my course
and doing some other * stuffs * which l like...
life still goes on... you go gal!

btw... Janice and boss will be holding a BBQ on Christmas Eve...
well, as usual 3 of us will do all the marketing lor...
and l am the CHEF!!!
this time round l will try to remember to take picture of the what we prepare...

my Christmas Tree still standing pretty in my hall!
hehehe... one proud owner!

hmm... what else? no idea!

mummy of an infant previously from this centre.

Lin Lin said...

hi Anonymnous Mummy thanks for reading my blog...correction...
am not *part* of the centre as my last day was on 20 November 2008
( FYI was there for less then a year )

If you are one of the previous infant mummy l am quite sure u r still in touch with the infant teachers namely A.B/ T.J/ T.F & T.L they are there longer then me... and they are the best people u can seek for feedback about the centre/ people and or even anything peratining to your child as they were the infant teacher then...

l do not know what is the reason for you to withdrawl your child from the centre but
sinces you posted in my blog that you've called MCYS pertaining to their Managemnet???
guess u must be very upset over certain issues

if u have been reading my blog, l have make myself very clear...
this is a blog created by me...
whatever l've posted is just my thoughts and what l've seen!

l do not want anyone to used my blog as some kind of * edvience or whatsoever *
or simply a tool for one's *RETALIATION*...

well, l want to thank you for reading my blog but
l am curious who told about my blog?
A.B? T.J? T.L? T.F? T.L aka junior... well, guess it doesn't matter...

anyhow, l wish you all the best and have a Blessed Christmas!
God Bless You & Your Family!


cool eh!!!

geez... see beckham's tattoo... hehehe...hehehe... a copy of VOGUE for you??? hahaha...

Saturday, 6 December 2008

my * tattoo *

hmm... like my tattoo? cool eh?

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

ikea advertisment...

hey! check it out the ikea advertisment when u r taking NEL... hahaha