Sunday, 21 December 2008

who me? long-sightedness...


Hyperopia is a sight problem that affects
your ability to see close-up objects.
Commonly known as long-sightedness,
the condition is a type of focusing error and
tends to get worse as you get older.
Sight problems are very common,
and many people are either long or short-sighted.
The percentage of people with hyperopia
increases with age.
A study has shown that 13.2% of people who are
between 20 and 25 years of age have hyperopia.
This increases to 17.4% for people who are
between 40 and 45 years of age.
Many children are born with mild hyperopia,
which normally resolves itself as
they grow older and their eyes develop.
It is thought that some cases of hyperopia
may be inherited (run in families).

A gene has been identified that causes a very
rare form of extreme hyperopia.
However, further research is needed into
the possible genetic causes of the more
common types of hyperopia.
Hyperopia can be easily corrected with glasses,
contact lenses or corrective surgery.
Laser surgery is an increasingly popular option,
but is not suitable for everyone.

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